%0 Journal Article %@ 1929-073X %I JMIR Publications %V 13 %N %P e54497 %T Treating Spontaneous Pneumothorax Using an Innovative Surgical Technique Called Capnodissection Pleurectomy: Case Report %A Qsous,Ghaith %A Ramaraj,Prashanth %A Avtaar Singh,Sanjeet Singh %A Herd,Philip %A Sooraj,Nayandra Runveer %A Will,Malcolm Brodie %+ Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Little France Crescent, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA, United Kingdom, 44 01315361000 ext 21076, Prashanth.ramaraj@nhs.net %K capnodissection %K pleurectomy %K VATS %K video-assisted thorascopic surgery %K novel technique %K thoracic surgery %K surgical innovation %K pneumothorax %K spontaneous pneumothorax %K pleurodesis %K management %K bullectomy %K bullae %K young patient %K lung diseases %K chronic obstructive pulmonary disease %K COPD %K surgical treatment %K male %K capnothorax %D 2024 %7 21.6.2024 %9 Case Report %J Interact J Med Res %G English %X Spontaneous pneumothorax is one of the most common conditions encountered in thoracic surgery. This condition can be treated conservatively or surgically based on indications and guidelines. Traditional surgical management includes pleurodesis (mechanical or chemical) in addition to bullectomy if the bullae can be identified. Mechanical pleurodesis is usually performed by surgical pleurectomy or pleural abrasion. In this case report, we present a case of a young patient with spontaneous pneumothorax who needed a surgical intervention. We performed a new, innovative surgical technique for surgical pleurectomy where we used carbon dioxide for dissection of the parietal pleura (capnodissection). This technique may provide similar efficiency to the traditional procedure but with less risk of bleeding and complications. %R 10.2196/54497 %U https://www.i-jmr.org/2024/1/e54497 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/54497