Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Jan-Jun

Thoracic Surgery Information on the Internet: A Multilingual Quality Assessment

Thoracic Surgery Information on the Internet: A Multilingual Quality Assessment

Thoracic Surgery Information on the Internet: A Multilingual Quality Assessment


  1. Dee E, Lee G. Adverse Effects of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for Common Malignancies: What Is the Quality of Information Patients Are Finding Online?. Journal of Cancer Education 2021;36(1):178 View
  2. Dee E, Varady N, Katz J, Buchmiller T. Disparity in online health information in pediatric vs. adult surgical conditions. Pediatric Surgery International 2019;35(7):813 View
  3. Dee E, Varady N. Radiation Oncology Online: Quality, Strategies, and Disparities. Journal of Cancer Education 2020;35(5):988 View
  4. Davaris M, Dowsey M, Bunzli S, Choong P. Arthroplasty information on the internet. Bone & Joint Open 2020;1(4):64 View
  5. Ng M, Smith R, Wickramesinghe N, Smart P, Lawrentschuk N. Health on the Net: Do Website Searches Return Reliable Health Information on Hemorrhoids and Their Treatment?. International Surgery 2017;102(5-6):216 View
  6. Gröne J, Lorenz E, Seifarth C, Seeliger H, Kreis M, Mueller M. Timing of surgery in ulcerative colitis in the biologic therapy era—the patient’s perspective. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2018;33(10):1429 View
  7. Davaris M, Dowsey M, Bunzli S, Choong P. Arthroplasty information on the internet. Bone & Joint Open 2020;1(4):64 View
  8. Davaris M, Dowsey M, Bunzli S, Choong P. Arthroplasty information on the internet. Bone & Joint Open 2020;1(4):64 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Lee W, Alici G. Smart Education and e-Learning 2018. View