Section Policies
Corrigenda and Addenda
Authors spotting errors in already published articles, or wanting to add material after publication, can use the CORRECTIONS AND ADDENDA section to submit their corrections. Note that the authors must be the same authors as the original article. Upload a word document citing the corrected manuscript, and outline the required changes (use past tense, as if the changes have already been made, as this will be published at the same time as the corrected article). Please comment explicitly on whether the changes are minor and do not affect the overall results and conclusions of the paper.
Short Paper
Short articles (10 manuscript pages or less, no more than 20 references)
Letters to the Editor
Digital Health, Telehealth and e-Innovation in Clinical Settings
Neurology and Neurosciences
Public Health
Respiratory Medicine
Surgery, Trauma and Surgical Sciences
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Medicine
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Quantified Self and Wellness
Military Medicine
Palliative Care
Home Care
Dental Sciences
Information Quality in Digital Media
Health Services Research
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine includes the study of the nature and causes of diseases, including, for example, various aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic testing/evaluations, monitoring or management of chronic diseases, leading-edge genetic research, blood transfusion technologies, immunotherapies, and more. Pathology can also include anatomic pathology, genetic pathology, and clinicopathologic study.
Learning and Education
Methodological Innovations
Precision Medicine and Genetics
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics
Food Sciences and Nutrition Engineering
Immunology, Allergy, Rheumatology
Occupational Health and Ergonomics/Prevention at the Workplace
ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat)
Discretionary Corrigenda
For corrigenda that are discretionary and a result of author-oversight (e.g. corrections in the affiliation etc) we charge a $190 processing fee to make changes in the original paper and publish an erratum. To request a correction, please submit a correction statement (text similar to as new submission from your author homepage.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Addiction Medicine
Allied Health Professions
Pulmonology, COPD
Chronic Conditions
Nosocomial Infections
Sleep Medicine
Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement in daily life. This can include aspects of exercise physiology, motor control and learning, sport and exercise psychology, and the application of traditional and complementary activities to optimize human performance.
Case Report
The Interactive Journal of Medical Research publishes clinical case reports. Please see JMIR Publications article type information on submitting case reports.
Research Letter
Research Letters present new, early, or preliminary research findings. The text should use standard research headings of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion and should be no longer than 750 words, with a maximum of 10 references and 2 tables or figures. The APF for Research Letters accepted after peer review is lower than the standard APF.
Antimicrobial Stewardship and Antibiotic Resistance
This section on antimicrobial stewardship and antibiotic resistance covers research on antimicrobial agents, the development, spread, and/or surveillance of resistance patterns, and strategies or tools to optimize treatment outcomes and preserve antimicrobial efficacy. Applications to support antibiotic prescribing practices (decision support) and to educate professionals or the public about antibiotic resistance are also in scope for this section.
These are usually invited commentaries published alongside other articles. They may or may not be peer-reviewed. The abstract can be a summary sentence or up to 300 words (unstructured, narrative format). The main text should be no longer than 1000 words. The main headings within the paper can be IMRD or free. Additionally, up to 10 references and a maximum of 1 figure or table can be included.
Aerospace Medicine
Aerospace medicine focuses on the health, safety, and performance of individuals involved in air and space travel, addressing the unique physiological and psychological challenges posed by these environments.
Podiatry is a medical discipline that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries of the foot, ankle, and lower leg.
Climate Change and Health
Climate Change and Health explores the direct and indirect impacts of a changing climate—including rising temperatures, extreme weather, and environmental shifts—on human well-being, examining effects on, for example, infectious diseases, respiratory illnesses, nutrition, mental health, and health equity.
See also:
JMIR Dermatology - Climate Change Impacts and Implications to Dermatology
JMIR Nursing - Technologies to Address Climate Change in Nursing
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics - Air Pollution
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics - Water, Oceans, and Hydro Sciences
Nephrology/Renal Disorders
This section will disseminate research focused on nephrology and renal disorders, particularly studies that advance the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney disorders.