Author Information

Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. All in-text references must be numbers in square brackets like this [1]. Do not use the author-year system. Do not use round brackets. Do not use superscript.

  2. i-JMR does not use footnotes (except in tables, using superscript a-z) or endnotes. If you have footnotes in the text, please delete them or incorporate them into the text

  3. URLs must be cited as references (not within the body of the text).

  4. I have read and understood the fee schedule. In particular, I understand and agree that unless my department/organization is an institutional member BEFORE submission (see dropdown-list in step 1 of the submission process), I/my department will be billed for the article processing fee (APF) in case of acceptance.Please mention in your cover letter if you think the APF should be waived due to membership or for any other reasons.Journal sections marked with * may be eligible for a fee waiver or reduction under certain circumstances (must be justified in the comments field for the editor on submission). APFs may not apply for article categories marked with * (check instructions for authors). Note that the APF will also be billed if the author retracts the manuscript after acceptance, or if a case of scientific misconduct prevents us from publishing a manuscript after acceptance.

  5. Please enter one corresponding author with full address, including phone, fax, and email address in the metadata form on submission, as well as the complete names, degrees, and affiliations (author names, affiliations and addresses can be removed from the manuscript - in the publication we will use what you entered in the metadata form!)

  6. Major headings for ALL original papers must be Introduction - Methods - Results - Discussion (apply Word style "Heading 2"). Viewpoints and tutorials can have different headings.

  7. If appropriate, please add subheadings under Introduction/Methods/Results/Discussion (if you use WinWord, apply the style "Heading 2" to IMRD headings, and the styles "Heading 3" to subsequent subheadings, "Heading 4" to sub-subheadings etc.). DO NOT USE italics or bold keywords or sentences in paragraphs in lieu of subheadings / sub-subheadings.

  8. You must have more than one subheadings in each section, otherwise please remove the subheading

  9. Your subheadings in the methods section should usually mirror the subeadings in the results section (i.e. for each result type there must be an explantion in the methods on how these results were obtained)

  10. P-values are reported in accordance with our instructions for authors. E.g. capital P in italics, no leading 0 before the decimal point, two digits if less than .05, three digits if less than .01 etc.

  11. If you want to include an appendix (e.g. screenshots, video, additional tables), please refer to them as Multimedia Appendix n in the text and make sure to also upload the Appendix as supplementary file. Each appendix must be uploaded as separate file.

  12. End your introduction with a clear statement of what the aim of this paper or study is, or what the hypotheses are.

  13. Start your discussion with a short summary of what the main finding(s) of this study was/were

  14. Maximum length is now 6000 words plus references

  15. Abstract must be structured (Background-Objectives-Methods-Results-Conclusions). Only viewpoints and tutorials can be unstructured.

  16. Please include key quantitative results in the abstract (sample size, compared means/proportions and P-values, odds ratios with confidence-intervals etc.)

  17. References must follow EXACTLY our instructions for authors unless you provide a PMID for each reference (see Do not use et al. to abbreviate authors. Do not use "and" between author names. For each author, provide lastname and initial - in that order - without punctuation (e.g. Eysenbach G). Do not use quotation marks for the titles. If you can, provide Medline-links or PMIDs in the format PMID:1234567 - if provided, we can extract and correct references automatically.

  18. For all results for which you provide a relative result (percentage), you should also provide the absolute number, e.g. "132 out of 264 participants (50%) said that...". If n is less than 100, do not use decimal points in your percentages. Otherwise, do not use more than one decimal place.

  19. Do not number your headings or subheadings

  20. Tables should appear in the main manuscript file where they should appear in the final manuscript (rather than being at the end of the manuscript or in a separate file). Figures should remain (during the review process) in the main file but must also be uploaded under "supplementary files". Note that after acceptance, figures should be removed from the main manuscript and the figure/caption entered online (as metadata for the supplementary file) will be used, thus please fill in this section carefully (and update it when you submit a revision)

  21. Cite an appropriate number of scholarly references - cite pertinent/related articles published in JMIR, i-JMR and elsewhere in the past 2-3 years

  22. If you use Endnote/Refman etc: remove ALL field codes before submitting an electronic manuscript. Field codes are used in Microsoft Word if you use bibliographic software to create your references. Before re-submitting your revised manuscript, open your document in Word, select Tools -- Endnote (or Reference Manager) -- Remove Field Codes, and save the manuscript under a new name. Then resubmit that version.

  23. Avoid author-invented abbreviations and acronyms

  24. For RCTs only: Starting in 2008, we will routinely publish trial identifiers in the abstract. Please add the trial registration number to the ABSTRACT, after the section "Conclusions: ..." (e.g. "Registration: NCT00102401, for any reason the trial was not registered, please provide an explanation (e.g. in the methods section and/or a cover letter to the editor).

  25. Please report the trial in accordance with the CONSORT checklist. We are now pilot-testing a CONSORT-EHEALTH checklist - please download the checklist from . We then need you to fill in the electronic version at with quotes from your (revised) paper (if you wish to comment on the importance of the items from the checklist for reporting, please also rate each item on a scale between 1-5). BEFORE you press submit, please generate a pdf of the form with your responses and upload this file as supplementary file entitled CONSORT-EHEALTH V1.6.A CONSORT-flowdiagram and a attrition diagram are also strongly recommended (as figures).

  26. For online surveys only: Please report the online survey in accordance with the CHERRIES checklist

  27. Tables must be designed in line with Instructions for Authors ( - do NOT use a soft line break within a table cell to separate different categories/subcategories. For each category, create a new table row.DO NOT USE LANDSCAPE FOR TABLES OR SMALLER FONTS. WE WILL TYPESET TABLES IN NORMAL FONT AND IN PORTRAIT ORIENTATION. TABLES WITH TOO MANY COLUMNS WILL HAVE VERY NARROW COLUMNS AND LOOK SQUEEZED.FOOTNOTES FOR TABLES must always be a-z (superscript). Do not use symbols such as * or **

  28. Please also upload each of your final figure (e.g. 1-2 screenshots of the intervention) as supplementary file (hi-resolution png or jpg files with minimal compression). DO NOT upload .doc files with lineart or other fileformats. Please name your files so that it becomes clear what revision the figure refers to, e.g. fig1_rev20090130.png. Enter the caption (which will appear underneath the figure) online, omitting the figure label ("Figure 1"), as this will be added automatically. Remove figure label and captions from the image file, if present. Note that for the final publication, the caption will be pulled from the metadata, NOT the caption provided in the manuscript.